25 Articles
This image depicts a woman in her 20s, indicative of Generation Z, relaxing in an armchair while listening to her headphones and scrolling her phone.


6 min read

Engaging Gen Z: Tink’s new data on the biggest challenge for bankers in 2024

Tink’s new data identifies Gen Z as key for the banking industry, highlighting the importance of ensuring digitised, personalised features – read more and access the complete research here.

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This image depicts a person’s hand from above, filling in a loan application form.


12 min read

How to reduce fraud in loan applications with enhanced risk decisioning

Beat the challenge of fraud in lending with actionable tools, from risk decisioning to authentication solutions with Tink – while getting closer to inclusive loan origination.

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Nearly one in four Brits in need of tailored financial support


4 min read

Nearly one in four Brits in need of tailored financial support

Tink's latest research shows that almost one in four Brits are in need of tailored financial support. Learn how open banking can help UK banks support financially vulnerable consumers during the cost-of-living crisis.

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Tink named a leader in open banking intermediaries in analyst report


3 min read

Tink named a leader by Forrester

Forrester report ranks Tink a leader in open banking intermediaries: “…a robust, performant solution that can scale.” – read the independent 2023 report here.

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Tink tops the Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard in open banking


4 min read

Tink tops the Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard in open banking

Tink tops the 2023 Juniper Research Competitor Leaderboard in open banking – read the independently evaluated report here.

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Half of Brits fear budget shortfall – here’s how banks can help


6 min read

Half of Brits fear budget shortfall – here’s how banks can help

Tink’s latest research shows that a staggering 25 million Brits fear their income soon won’t cover essential costs, meaning banks have the opportunity to support them with tailored banking solutions.

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A new generation of payments is taking shape – powered by open banking


4 min read

A new generation of payments is taking shape – powered by open banking

Tink survey reveals financial executives in Europe consider security, speed, and low cost as top benefits of payment initiation services – but that barriers to full-scale adoption remain.

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From open banking to open data economies


4 min read

The evolution of the revolution – from open banking to open data economies

It’s time to move on from just talking about open banking. Tink's latest report shows that data is on the agenda – open banking is evolving into open finance, which in turn is readying the market for the creation of open data economies.

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How incumbents can keep a competitive edge as new entrants move into financial services


4 min read

3 tips to keeping a competitive edge as new entrants move into financial services

Open banking is ramping up competition in the financial services space, as new market entrants start capitalising on the opportunities. How can financial incumbents make sure they remain on top of the game? Here’s what we suggest.

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Blog Bankers embrace the open banking revolution – but expect a long journey ahead


3 min read

Bankers embrace the open banking revolution – but expect a long journey ahead

Financial executives in Europe see open banking as a revolution, and are embracing it more than ever. But many expect it will take several years to get there. While transformation takes time – there could be a way to accelerate it.

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New priorities for bankers – and how open banking can help


6 min read

New priorities for bankers – and how open banking can help

Banking priorities have changed as a result of the pandemic. Discover the three focus areas that are top of mind for financial executives – and how open banking can help institutions tackle all three by leveraging financial data.

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The UK leads the way in seeing the digital shift caused by Covid as permanent


6 min read

The UK leads the way in seeing the digital shift caused by Covid as permanent

Tink’s new survey report finds that a majority of financial executives in the UK foresee a permanent impact from the pandemic – unlike their European peers. We take a closer look at the UK stats, and how they compare to the EU-wide results.

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Banking executives see an irreversible digital shift caused by Covid


4 min read

Banking executives see an irreversible digital shift caused by Covid

In our new report ‘open banking in a post-pandemic world’ 41% of Europe’s financial executives believe the digital shift caused by Covid is permanent – with over two thirds saying the pandemic has increased their focus on open banking.

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3 min read

Tink named a Leader by independent research firm in open banking vendor evaluation

Forrester has named Tink as a Leader in The Forrester New Wave™: Open Banking Intermediaries, Q1 2021 report, where our clients cited Tink’s ‘outstanding’ and ‘relentless’ focus on the customer – which we believe cements Tink’s position as Europe’s leading open banking platform.

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3 steps to taking advantage of open banking


3 min read

3 steps to taking advantage of open banking

With new possibilities brought on by open banking, banks need to overcome internal challenges to beat the race to deliver the best possible customer experience. Here are three key steps to taking advantage of this opportunity.

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Are banks aligned internally to take advantage of open banking


4 min read

Are banks internally aligned on open banking?

A whopping 70% of C-level executives see the opportunities of open banking, while just 45% of product owners agree. Tink’s latest research report dives into the task banks face aligning their organisations to make the most of open banking.

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Use cases across Europe


3 min read

Discover the leading open banking use cases – per country

When it comes to the top open banking opportunities, not all countries see eye-to-eye. Here are the open banking use cases being prioritised in five different markets – and the differences between them.

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3 tips for staying ahead of the curve in the open banking shift


3 min read

3 tips for staying ahead of the curve in the open banking shift

To stay ahead of the curve and master the open banking transformation, bankers need to start looking beyond compliance, and be smart about where to invest.

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Insights from Michael Anseeuw: a first mover in open banking


5 min read

Insights from Michael Anseeuw: a first mover in open banking

We interviewed Michael Anseeuw, Head of Retail Banking and long-time open banking evangelist at BNP Paribas Fortis. Here’s what he had to share about the challenges of being an early adopter, and his vision for a customer-centric approach.

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5 open banking use cases European bankers are most investing in


4 min read

5 open banking use cases European bankers are most investing in

Our newly released survey report takes a closer look at open banking use cases, and which opportunities financial executives across Europe are most anticipating. Get to know more about the top five picks.

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Open banking investment in your country


5 min read

How open banking investment is hotting up — in your country

Tink’s series of local open banking reports lift the lid on the biggest open banking spenders in Europe, looking at who is expecting speedy returns on their investments, where innovation has boomed and whose spend has increased the most.

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Open banking: from compliance challenge to commercial opportunity


3 min read

Open banking: from compliance challenge to commercial opportunity

The financial services industry is on the verge of a monumental shift towards data-driven solutions. By going beyond compliance businesses can unlock new market opportunities and improve customer experiences at lower costs.

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The open banking investment boom across Europe


3 min read

The open banking investment boom across Europe

Open banking has taken the financial services industry by storm, with executives taking advantage of a new industry paradigm. But how is open banking investment shaping up across the continent? Here’s a spoiler - it’s massive, and growing.

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Why European banks are investing in open banking


3 min read

Why European banks are investing in open banking

We ventured once again into the minds of European bankers and found that financial institutions are making significant investments towards their open banking initiatives. But what’s driving them? Or what’s standing in the way?

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The growing positivity towards open banking in Europe


4 min read

The growing positivity towards open banking in Europe

The first report based on our survey of 290 senior executives and decision makers in the financial industry across Europe is out. Find out what the results reveal about how bankers are tackling the open banking opportunity.

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