Frequently asked questions

Want to know about pricing, market coverage or Tink’s license?
Our FAQ section has got you covered!


Getting started with Tink API




Can you give more details on Enterprise pricing?

Tink's Enterprise model is designed for companies that require a tailored agreement to fit their business needs. The pricing varies depending on the needs of the company, for instance the required level of support, or guaranteed service level. For more detailed information, please contact our sales team.

Is there a pay-per-use option?

No, however you are welcome to create a free account to try Tink products with test data in a sandbox environment before upgrading to an Enterprise account.

Getting started with Tink API

Where can I run a demo or get access to your sandbox environment?

You can get a glimpse at our tech in or try it out for yourself by creating a free account at, where you can use test data to try our platform.

How often does the data get refreshed?

Tink provides 4 background refreshes every 24h – check this blog post for more info.

Who can I reach out to for tech support?

Customers that have an Enterprise agreement with Tink can get in touch through our support portal at any time. If you don’t have an Enterprise agreement, you can still contact support, but we unfortunately cannot guarantee a response or resolution time. If guaranteed support is important to your business, please contact us.


Which banks do you have connected to in which countries?

Tink has 6000+ connections to banks and financial institutions across 18 countries. You can find our full coverage on the platform here and payments capabilities here.

I know you have acquired Instantor. Are your products live in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania?

Tink's products are live in the Baltic countries for current customers and we will very soon also start onboarding new customers in this region. Please get in touch with our sales team to learn more.

Is Tink’s UK capability based on OpenWrks tech?

Tink acquired OpenWrks’ aggregation platform in September 2020. This means that any connections that were available via OpenWrks are now available via Tink. By combining our connections with OpenWrks’, Tink now has the broadest and deepest possible connectivity in the UK and Ireland.


Can your PIS solution handle recurring payments?

Recurring payments will be available soon as part of our Enterprise offering.

Is Business PIS available?

We are working to make Business PIS available soon, as part of our Enterprise offering.

What products does Tink provide?

We offer a range of ready-to-use open banking solutions that are built on account aggregation and data enrichment. These include solutions for personal finance management, instant account verification, income verification, access to financial data and payment initiation. You can find an overview of all our products here.

Where is Tink connected to business bank accounts?

Business accounts are currently supported in a few markets across Europe, and we are working on expanding our coverage. If you would like to connect to business bank accounts, please contact us.

Get started with Tink

Contact our team to learn more about what we can help you build – or create an account to get started right away.
