Jennifer Thunander – delivering the goods

4 min read|Published April 16, 2024
Tink Delivery Director Jennifer Thunander

How does Tink make sure that its technical integration with partners is successful? That’s where delivery teams, overseen by people like Jennifer, come in. Here she tells us about her role and ensuring that Pay by Bank journeys are as smooth as possible for customers and consumers.

TL;DR – Quick summary
  • Delivery Director Jennifer Thunander helps to ensure that technical integration with Tink’s customers is as smooth as possible. 

  • It’s vital that delivery teams like Jennifer’s not only play the go-between role between product and customer, but also constantly keep the end user in mind.

  • “As well as ensuring that the user journey is incredibly sleek for consumers, it’s on us, from a backend perspective, to give our customers the right intel for crucial elements like increasing conversion and flawless uptime.”

TL;DR – Quick summary
  • Delivery Director Jennifer Thunander helps to ensure that technical integration with Tink’s customers is as smooth as possible. 

  • It’s vital that delivery teams like Jennifer’s not only play the go-between role between product and customer, but also constantly keep the end user in mind.

  • “As well as ensuring that the user journey is incredibly sleek for consumers, it’s on us, from a backend perspective, to give our customers the right intel for crucial elements like increasing conversion and flawless uptime.”

Jennifer became part of the Tink family when we acquired Instantor in 2020 – “I got the opportunity to move into the new organisation and I’m not regretting it one bit,” she says. 

As detailed in a recent interview with SVP of Connectivity and Platforms, Sofia Sundström, Tink’s acquisitions have helped us set ourselves apart from the competition with the expertise and products gained. 

As Jennifer puts it: “Joining Tink was a brilliant opportunity for people at Instantor, and now we’re seeing several products with Instantor roots working well for Tink’s customers like Income Check and Risk Insights.”

Having come from a startup background, Jennifer soon took on more responsibility at Tink as Delivery teams began to grow, and next it was honing her skills in the Payments side of the business. 

“The last few years have been a fun ride, there’s always been something new and exciting going on. New structures, exciting product development, starting up with new customers and seeing them go live. At Tink, I think our mentality and culture are built on the foundation of continuous growth and development. We believe in constant evolution, pushing boundaries, and stepping out of our comfort zones. As a result, we can grow both as individuals and as a collective organisation. 

“And when looking at my area of the business more specifically, Delivery is right where I want to be as that is in the middle of being an expert on our tech while also being able to work with our customers to understand our world and how they can best succeed with our solutions.”

Consider the consumer

So while Delivery teams need to have a strong understanding of both Tink’s products and the needs of our partners, Jennifer says it’s vital to think outside this immediate B2B relationship, and consider the end users who will ultimately benefit from the solutions on offer. 

“Not only are we developing our products for leading financial institutions, fintechs and merchants, but we also have to understand the consumer needs and be proactive in terms of thinking like them. For instance, what would make me prefer Tink’s products to others in my everyday life, and how might this work in a year’s time?”

Pay by Bank journeys are improving all the time for consumers (check out our UX Guide for more on this), and Jennifer wants it to be the “number one” choice when people are checking out. 

“As well as ensuring that the user journey is incredibly sleek with reduced friction for consumers, it’s on us, from a backend perspective, to give our customers the right intel for crucial elements like increasing conversion and flawless uptime.”

Aside from Pay by Bank, Tink’s evolution as part of Visa and the “new world of opportunities” it brings is what most excites Jennifer about the near future.

“I believe that together with Visa, the horizon is filled with possibilities and we’re just at the beginning of this exciting journey. Together we have the opportunity to redefine the consumer experience, creating seamless and innovative products while continuing to evolve secure, easy-to-use payment solutions. The potential of our joint offerings is vast, and we’re just scratching the surface.”

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