Why UX is crucial – and how you can improve performance with Tink

5 min read|Published November 11, 2021
Why UX is crucial – and how you can improve performance with Tink

A good user experience isn’t just a nice-to-have when it comes to financial services. It can be the ‘make or break’ factor that propels your product to success or makes it fizzle out into oblivion. So how can you make sure your Tink integration is giving the best possible impression? We created a guide to help out.

TL;DR – Quick summary
  • Providing users a smooth digital experience is a must. This is especially true in the context of financial services.

  • With Tink you don’t just get access to data – we work with customers to help maximise their performance by removing friction for their end users.

  • To help out, we’ve created the Tink UX guide, with practical tips on small UX changes that can make a big difference.

TL;DR – Quick summary
  • Providing users a smooth digital experience is a must. This is especially true in the context of financial services.

  • With Tink you don’t just get access to data – we work with customers to help maximise their performance by removing friction for their end users.

  • To help out, we’ve created the Tink UX guide, with practical tips on small UX changes that can make a big difference.

You can have the best idea in the world and the best tech to support it, but in the end, it’s the user experience that will probably determine your success. That’s because users typically prefer solutions that are intuitive and enjoyable to use over those that are cumbersome and complex – even if they may offer more features.

Having a good user experience (UX) isn’t just a nice bonus. It's an absolute necessity. And that goes for every step of the customer journey. If you want an app that attracts, engages and converts users, your UX needs to be on point throughout.

Financial data with a UX cherry on top

So why are we saying all this? Because with Tink you don’t just get the means to access financial data with our open banking platform – ‘here’s the technology you asked for, now good luck.’

You also get a partner to collaborate with. We give guidance and work together with you to help maximise your chances of success by keeping the end users’ goals in mind. ‘Here’s the technology you asked for, now let’s look into how you can make the most of those conversion rates’.

That’s because what matters to us isn’t just building out the connections and offering a piece of the open banking technology puzzle. It’s helping our customers get results. And to do that, they need to make sure end users get as little friction as possible.

Making your Tink integration the best it can be

So, what does a good UX look like in practice? To boil it down: you need to make it as easy (and pleasing) as possible for the user to get from point A to point B.

That sounds simple in theory, but it can be quite tricky when you get down to the nuts and bolts. Especially in the context of financial services and open banking, where many things are still quite new, and ‘best practices’ haven’t been established. Rather, everyone is trying to figure it out at the same time.

However, after a lot of discussions with our customers, and some trial and error, we’ve been able to spot some recurring themes and identify small changes that can have a big impact when it comes to implementing a Tink flow. So we’ve created the Tink UX guide to help address some of the most common issues.

Everything from picking the right SDK for your use case, to having clear copy or keeping a consistent brand design throughout the customer journey can have a big impact on the user experience – and therefore adoption rates.

The transition between three different brands can create friction.

The transition between three different brands can create friction.

Customising the Tink flow to suit your brand identity can go a long way towards creating a more pleasant, cohesive experience.

Customising the Tink flow to suit your brand identity can go a long way towards creating a more pleasant, cohesive experience.

If you’re wondering if small design and copy adjustments can really make that much of a difference – put yourself in your customers’ shoes. Financial data is some of the most sensitive data we have, and even though you might be offering a very secure digital journey using Strong Customer Authentication, sharing this data online can feel scary.

To make sure your users feel safe, they need to understand not just what to expect, but what’s in it for them – without the friction of seemingly being thrown at an unknown third-party they never heard of.

Small changes with a big impact

Interested in learning what you can do to get the best possible conversion rates with your Tink integration? Time and time again, tests have shown that performance spikes up when the transition from your product to Tink feels smooth, secure and coherent.

After helping a customer make small tweaks in the UX to better prepare users to step into the Tink flow, we saw their traffic double almost overnight.

Want to dig into more practical examples of some of the small changes you can do to make the most out of your Tink integration? Read the Tink UX guide here.

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