The solutions that are transforming the payments landscape

2 min read|Published October 12, 2022
The solutions that are transforming the payments landscape

Open banking is bringing new energy to different industries, by making things simpler, faster, and safer than ever before. Payments have been a central part of the revolution. By improving the payments flow, businesses have seen higher conversion and more engagement, while consumers have received a more hassle-free experience.

TL;DR – Quick summary
  • Open banking technology is making payments happen faster than ever before. 

  • Consumers want fast, easy-to-use services, even at checkout. 

  • Download our ultimate solutions guide to see how open banking can help you improve your payments flow

TL;DR – Quick summary
  • Open banking technology is making payments happen faster than ever before. 

  • Consumers want fast, easy-to-use services, even at checkout. 

  • Download our ultimate solutions guide to see how open banking can help you improve your payments flow

Consumers are no longer willing to settle for bad experiences. In the past, price used to win out, but ease of use is becoming a top consideration for consumers, especially when it comes to payments. From large revolutions in the payments world, such as the Amazon 1-click-buy button, to shaving off seconds from the checkout process with pre-filled forms, the most focused businesses are dead set on streamlining the payments journey as much as possible. 

Pay the modern way

With the advent of account-to-account payments, we’ve reached a new level of speed and convenience when paying. Thanks to open banking, the payment funnel has been simplified from dozens of steps down to a few, meaning money can move faster and cheaper. Open banking is bridging the gap and harnessing the power of consumer data to make this happen.

With our Payments product, Tink facilitates over 4 million friction-free payments every month across 12 markets, while continuously improving the payment experience with key new features like settlement accounts.

One guide – many solutions

With so many possibilities for open banking, it can feel a little bit overwhelming to figure out how it can help your business. Dive into our ultimate guide to open banking solutions to get a full picture.

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