Tink is a company that provides open banking related services to its partners. For example, Tink can help its partners to verify account numbers or to analyze transaction history of consumers.
If you are interested in understanding more about open banking then you can read our articles about UK Open banking or Introduction to PSD2.
All of our services to consumers are initiated by our partners by redirecting consumers to us. Once a consumer is redirected to us, we provide either an account information service or a payment initiation service and then redirect the consumer back to our partner.
Our account information services consist of us collecting your financial information from your bank account and providing that information to our partners.
Our payment initiation services consist of us sending an instruction to your bank to initiate a payment on your behalf and then provide information about that payment to our partners.
All of our services are provided with your consent and you can find detailed information about what our services involve in the End-User Terms of Service that all consumers accept when interacting with us.
Tink Link is our consumer facing interface where we ensure that all consumers provide their consent and accept our terms and conditions before we provide our services. Consumers always interact with our services via Tink Link. You can find an example of how Tink Link looks like on our demo page.
If you would like to revoke consent that you’ve given Tink to access your account information or initiate payments on your behalf, the fastest way to do so is through your bank or the service you were using when you gave your consent to Tink. If you want to revoke consent with a specific bank or service, please contact them directly.
You can also visit Tink's Consent Revocation Portal if you would like to revoke your consent directly through us.
If you have any questions, reach out to us at contact@tink.com.
Please visit Contact us where you can find more contact details.