An Post: A personal financial coach - for everyone

An Post, Ireland's state-owned postal service, is passionate about fostering improved saving habits. Find out how they empowered  customers to manage money effectively with Tink, and make it available to all.

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Give your customers the financial coach they need to better understand, manage and improve their finances. Engage, inspire and convert customers by using data to give valuable personalised insights.
Money Manager

An Post: A personal financial coach - for everyone

An Post, Ireland's state-owned postal service, is passionate about fostering improved saving habits. Find out how they empowered  customers to manage money effectively with Tink, and make it available to all.

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Give your customers the financial coach they need to better understand, manage and improve their finances. Engage, inspire and convert customers by using data to give valuable personalised insights.
Money Manager

Money Manager app for free - for everyone.

Allow users a holistic financial view, with all their accounts in one place.

Financial coaching tools working across a users entire financial situation. Not on just one account.

Helped tens of thousands of consumers to stay in control of their spending.

What An Post wanted to solve

Empowering consumers with more financial control

With the rising cost of living, it is increasingly crucial for financial providers to better support their customers in keeping track of their finances, both in the short term and over time. An Post wanted to help put more financial power and control into the hands of the consumers, by making it possible for them to better understand their spending behaviour, manage their savings, and set budgets to stay on track with their financial goals. An Post wanted to do this by providing a clear, holistic financial overview and valuable financial tools to help consumers gain better control of their money - especially when economic times are tougher for many.

An Post banking app - Events
An Post banking app - Events
What An Post wanted to solve

Empowering consumers with more financial control

With the rising cost of living, it is increasingly crucial for financial providers to better support their customers in keeping track of their finances, both in the short term and over time. An Post wanted to help put more financial power and control into the hands of the consumers, by making it possible for them to better understand their spending behaviour, manage their savings, and set budgets to stay on track with their financial goals. An Post wanted to do this by providing a clear, holistic financial overview and valuable financial tools to help consumers gain better control of their money - especially when economic times are tougher for many.

An Post banking app - Money Manager
How they solved it

Tink’s Money Manager <3 An Post

Through Tink's Money Manager and open banking technology, An Post's digital banking app allows users to securely link all their accounts and credit cards into one place. Gaining a complete overview of all their different accounts in real-time. Not only benefitting current An Post customers, as their Money Manager smart budgeting tool is available for free, to everyone in Ireland, even those banking with other providers.

Users can track their spending by viewing their income and expenses sorted in different categories, create budgets helping them spend less and save more, and get insights into their financial behaviour.

An Post banking app - Money Manager
How they solved it

Tink’s Money Manager <3 An Post

Through Tink's Money Manager and open banking technology, An Post's digital banking app allows users to securely link all their accounts and credit cards into one place. Gaining a complete overview of all their different accounts in real-time. Not only benefitting current An Post customers, as their Money Manager smart budgeting tool is available for free, to everyone in Ireland, even those banking with other providers.

Users can track their spending by viewing their income and expenses sorted in different categories, create budgets helping them spend less and save more, and get insights into their financial behaviour.

What they achieved

Fully digital financial coaching

Now An Post gives users a deeper understanding of their financial behaviour, a better digital banking experience to manage everyday banking needs, and the ability to build better financial habits. 

With a digital experience that is completely personalised and facilitates budgeting and savings tools, it allows users to stay on top of their spending and reach their goals, both in the short term and long term, to help stay one step ahead of their finances.

An Post banking app - financial coaching
An Post banking app - financial coaching
What they achieved

Fully digital financial coaching

Now An Post gives users a deeper understanding of their financial behaviour, a better digital banking experience to manage everyday banking needs, and the ability to build better financial habits. 

With a digital experience that is completely personalised and facilitates budgeting and savings tools, it allows users to stay on top of their spending and reach their goals, both in the short term and long term, to help stay one step ahead of their finances.

Have a look at An Post’s latest TV ad showing the financial coaching features of the Money Manager smart budgeting tool

For industry leaders

An post logo

“Enabling people living in Ireland to replace financial worry with financial confidence is a key goal for An Post Money. We are thrilled to have partnered with Tink to enable not only An Post Money customers but everyone living in Ireland to have the ability  to manage their money better, stay in control of their expenses and start building financial confidence.”

Bruce Richardson

Product Management Consultant at An Post

Discover the full story
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Collaborating with the team at An Post is a true privilege for us at Tink. We firmly believe that great things happen when like-minded organisations join forces. With our combined expertise and shared vision, we are excited to deliver innovative solutions that simplify everyday banking and empower our customers. This collaboration represents a powerful partnership that will shape the future of financial services, putting the needs of our customers at the forefront of everything we do.”

– Jack Spiers, Senior Manager at Tink

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Collaborating with the team at An Post is a true privilege for us at Tink. We firmly believe that great things happen when like-minded organisations join forces. With our combined expertise and shared vision, we are excited to deliver innovative solutions that simplify everyday banking and empower our customers. This collaboration represents a powerful partnership that will shape the future of financial services, putting the needs of our customers at the forefront of everything we do.”

– Jack Spiers, Senior Manager at Tink

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Tink and An Post


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An Post now offers free money management services to all by deepening its partnership with Tink. Just 16 months after joining forces, the An Post Money smart budgeting tool is available to everyone in Ireland, expanding access to the service beyond An Post Money customers.

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